3 Quick Wins You Can Do for Your Next Email Campaign

This month, I’ve tried different ways to improve email performance for our clients.

I tested many things, from colors to images to text layout to word choice — you name it. I also audited flows and campaigns to get insights for preparing Q3 & Q4 email marketing strategies.

Learned A LOT!

Today I’ll share with you 3 quick wins I did for some brands and achieved positive results.

1. Put products and relevant customer reviews side by side (variation A) instead of showing them in separate sections (variation B)

Result: 2.5% click-through rate, compared with 1.8%

2. Add a reminder to an email newsletter saying, “Your X% discount awaits.” This is to target new subscribers who haven’t claimed their welcome offer yet.

You can apply this tactic to any non-sale email. Remember to add a disclaimer “available for new subscribers only” so that it doesn’t confuse existing customers.

Result: 20 subscribers redeemed the code.

3. Show Instagram photos and link to Instagram account instead of using text only.

Results: 67 clicks through IG photos for one campaign. (I’m still trying to find a way to measure new IG followers coming from email).

That’s it! A/B test these quick wins for your email, and let me know if the “magic” happens!

Next week, we’ll talk about how to create an email campaign sequence for a price change announcement.